Now, you can also buy ONLINE train tickets for the trip from ORAVIŢA to ANINA and back. Any sales unit in the country, CFR station or travel agency sells tickets for this route.
It is the oldest and most spectacular mountain railway in South Eastern Europe, with fabulous landscapes, 14 tunnels, 10 viaducts, mountain clefts over two-thirds of the entire route (21 kilometers). Trains have two cars in composition (three in the summer season) and run every day.
Tickets, including reserved seats, can be purchased for individual trips or small groups, 30 days in advance, to which:
- Commercial offers and related discounts (Round-trip ticket, Small group 2-5, VSD Card, Weekend ticket, discounts for buying tickets in advance, discounts for groups of at least 20 people, etc.) apply;
- Discounts and facilities granted by normative acts (pupils and students, pensioners, revolutionaries, veterans, people persecuted for political and ethnic reasons, disabled people,etc.).
- In addition, a further discount of 5% is granted to the online purchase and is combined with any other discount (for example, with the discount related to the round-trip ticket).For organized groups of at least 30 people, the trip can be planned up to two months before, and the discounts can be of up to 35% (for larger groups of over 45 people), being a good opportunity for travel agencies. Details are also available on Single tariff on Oravita- Anina section (about Oravita- Anina) and Discounts for groups (about group discounts). The access to Oravița is provided by car transportation, near Reșița and Timișoara railway stations. More details and photos can be found on facebook.