- SOCIETATEA NAȚIONALĂ DE TRANSPORT FEROVIAR DE CĂLĂTORI “CFR CĂLĂTORI –DEPOUL DE LOCOMOTIVE ARAD announces the interested public on the request for obtaining the environmental consent for the project – Dismantling of the ground floor trestle building; dismantling of the ground floor fuel oil tank; dismantling of the ground floor fuel oil castle in the P+1 height regime; dismantling of the ground floor fuel market; dismantling of the ground floor sand kiln building in Arad, str.Gelu no.2A, Arad county.
Information regarding the potential environmental impact of the proposed project can be consulted at the headquarters of the A.P.M Arad, Splaiul Mureș, FN, between 900-1300 and at the headquarters of the holder in Arad, str. Gelu, no. 2A, Arad county.
Public observations are received daily at the secretariat of the Arad Environmental Protection Agency, Splaiul Mureș, FN. - SOCIETATEA NAȚIONALĂ DE TRANSPORT FEROVIAR DE CĂLĂTORI “CFR CĂLĂTORI –DEPOUL DE LOCOMOTIVE ARAD project owner – Dismantling of the ground floor trestle building; dismantling of the ground floor fuel tank; dismantling of the ground floor fuel castle in the P+1 height regime; dismantling of the ground floor fuel market; dismantling of the ground floor sand kiln building, announces to the interested public on the decision-making of the framing stage – It is not subject to environmental impact assessment by the Arad Environmental Protection Agency within the environmental impact assessment procedures, for the above-mentioned project, proposed to be carried out in Arad, str.Gelu no.2A, jud. Arad. The draft classification decision and the reasons that substantiate it can be consulted at the headquarters of the Arad Environmental Protection Agency, Splaiul Mureș, FN, from Monday to Friday, between 09-1630, as well as at the following internet address: www.apmar.anpm.ro The interested public can submit comments/observations on the draft classification decision within 5 days from the date of publication of this announcement, until 14.07.2018.
- SOCIETATEA NAŢIONALĂ DE TRANSPORT FEROVIAR DE CĂLĂTORI „CFR CĂLĂTORI”-S.A. – SUCURSALA REGIONALĂ DE TRANSPORT FEROVIAR DE CĂLĂTORI CRAIOVA,owner of the project “Revision/repair hall for rolling stock T4 and T5”, announces to the interested public that the decision of the framing stage has been taken by APM Dolj, within the environmental impact assessment procedure, for the project “Revision/repair hall for rolling stock T4 and T5”, proposed to be located in the Craiova wagon depot, bvd. Decebal no. 5, Craiova, Dolj county.
The draft framing decision and the reasons that substantiate it can be consulted at the following internet address http://apmdj.anpm.ro,
Proiectul deciziei de încadrare și motivele care o fundamentează pot fi consultate la următoarea adresă de internet http://apmdj.anpm.ro
Publicul interesat poate inainta comentarii/observatii la proiectul deciziei de incadrare in termen de 10 zile de la data publicarii anunțului pe pagina de internet a Agenției pentru Protecția Mediului Dolj. - S.N.T.F.C. C.F.R. CĂLĂTORI S.A.-S.R.T.F.C. CRAIOVA, owner of the project “Construction of rolling stock maintenance hall (locomotives and wagons)”, announces to the interested public the decision of the framing stage by the Dolj Environmental Protection Agency, within the environmental impact assessment procedure, for the project “Construction of rolling stock maintenance hall (locomotives and wagons)”, proposed to be located in the Craiova Wagon Repair.
The draft framing decision and the reasons that substantiate it can be consulted at the headquarters of the Dolj Environmental Protection Agency, in Craiova, Str. Petru Rareș no.1, jud. Dolj, Monday-Thursday, between 8:00-16:00 and Friday between 8:00-14:00 as well as at the following internet address http://apmdj.anpm.ro.
The interested public can submit comments/observations on the draft classification decision within 10 days from the publication of the announcement on the website of the Dolj Environmental Protection Agency.