
ONLINE train tickets for Oravița – Anina route

Postat 15-06-2018 in News

Now, you can also buy ONLINE train tickets for the trip from ORAVIŢA to ANINA and back. Any sales unit in the country, CFR station or travel agency sells tickets for this route. It is the oldest and most spectacular mountain railway in South Eastern Europe, with fabulous landscapes, 14 tunnels, 10 viaducts, mountain clefts over two-thirds of the entire route (21 kilometers). Trains have two cars in composition (three in the summer season) and run every day. Tickets, including reserved seats, can be purchased for individual trips or small groups, 30 days in advance, to which: Commercial offers and related discounts (Round-trip ticket, Small group 2-5, VSD Card, Weekend ticket, discounts for buying tickets in advance, discounts for groups of at least 20 people, etc.)…

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Wanderful places … around Constanta!

Postat 30-03-2018 in Romania train trip

Wanderful places … where you can arrive with the Train! Mangalia – Tourist Port – The Navy Museum – etc Cernavodă – AXIOPOLIS Museum of History and Archeology – Carol I Bridge – etc Tulcea: Macin Mountains National Park – Tulcea Aquarium – Danube Delta Ecotourism Museum – etc Babadag: The Panaghia House with the Oriental Art Exhibition – Geamia Turkish – etc See what other places you can visit and how to get here. More details about CFR Offers you can fiind here.

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CFR Călători va fi prezent la Târgul de Turism din Constanța, în perioada 22 – 25 martie 2018

Postat 19-03-2018 in Events

În perioada 22 – 25 martie 2018 vom fi prezenți la: Târgul de Turism Vacanța, Ediția a XI-a/Pavilionul Expozițional Constanța unde vizitatorii pot beneficia de: » vouchere pentru cumpărarea biletelor de tren în trafic intern cu reducere 45% din preţul final al unei călătorii simple individuale. Biletele pot fi achiziţionate până la 15 aprilie, călătoriile putându-se efectua până la data de 14 mai 2018; » informații despre ofertele noastre în traficul intern şi internaţional Despre voucher 45% reducere la biletele de tren Condiții de utilizare: un voucher dă dreptul la o reducere de 45% din prețul final de vânzare a unei singure legitimații pentru o călătorie simplă procurată de la ghișeele de emitere din stațiile sau agenție de voiaj care emit electronic, pentru o singură persoană, indiferent de tipul legitimației…

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CFR Călători at the Tourism Fair of Romania, on 22-25 February 2018

Postat 19-03-2018 in Events

Come to Romania’s Tourism Fair, between 22 to 25 February 2018 We are waiting for you at the CFR Călători stand at the Tourism Fair of Romania, ROMEXPO Exhibition Complex in Bucharest, Pavilion B2, Stand 155. During the Tourism Fair of Romania, visitors can benefit from a series of discounts and information about the available offers: »45% discount on the purchase of tickets available online (adult, child, student, TrenPlus card holder, minigroup, round trip, etc.) and issued at the stand for registered or who subscribe to the newsletter; »vouchers for the purchase of train tickets in domestic traffic with a 45% discount on the final price of an individual single voyage. The tickets are valid until April 15, the trips being made until April 14,…

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15% REDUCERE … Descoperă Europa primăvara cu promoția Interrail!

Postat 19-02-2018 in News

Bucurați-vă de splendida înflorire și evitați aglomerația verii cu oferta de primăvară Interrail. Până la data de 31 martie 2018 puteți beneficia de 15% Reducere la Interrail Global Pass și la unele pass-uri One Country. Nimic nu se compară cu magia Europei care trece de la iarnă la vară. Interrail Global pass vă permite să creați propriul itinerariu, pentru a descoperi diversele bogății ale primăverii europene exact așa cum doriți. Dacă doriți să vizitați o singură țară, atunci alegeți Pass-ul One Country.   Prețuri și valabilitate Interrail Global Pass* Valabilitate Tânăr Clasa a 2-a Adult Clasa a 2-a Senior Clasa a 2-a Tânăr Clasa 1-a Adult Clasa 1-a Senior Clasa 1-a 5 zile din 15 zile 177 229 206 243 304 273 7 zile din…

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Trenurile Zapezii 2018

Up to 56% Reduction with Snow Trains 2018

Postat 31-01-2018 in News

Travel with Snow Trains 2018 and you have 25% Discount*, from Monday to Thursday, for trips with departure or arrival at one of the stations on Sinaia – Brasov route 25% Discount*, from Monday to Thursday, for trips with departure or arrival at one of Vatra Dornei and Piatra Neamt stations The extension of the offer “Weekend discounts for Prahova Valley”, with reductions* between 31% – 56%, and on Monday – Thursday between the stations on Sinaia – Brasov route and return *These reductions are granted on InterRegio trains, 2-nd class and apply to the whole price and child tariff *The reservation fee is paid in full The offer is valid from 1-st of January to 28-th of February 2018. We wish you a pleasant…

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