Let ‘s go all on vacation! Choose the CFR Călători discounts!
Are you a pupil or a student and are on vacation between the 20th and the 26th of February? Travel by train to your favorite holiday destinations and you’ll benefit from free of charge tickets if you’re a pupil or 50% discount if you are a student! Tickets can be bought online based on an ID. Buy tickets ONLINE in domestic traffi! Buy For parents or grandparents who accompany you, the round ticket* with a 10% discount or the ticket for retirees** with a 50% discount also represent the most advantageous travel options! Important! * 10% discount for the travel of an adult by train of any rank (Regio, InterRegio, Intercity) in 1st or 2nd class; ** 50% discount for the travel of a retiree…
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