
The TRAIN = The railway transport is cleaner

Postat 18-06-2021 in Events

Although road transport has advanced in recent decades, it is expensive and does not provide a solution for all people. It has detrimental effects on environment and climate, but railway transport tends to solve all these problems. According to the EU Green Agreement by 2050, the aim is to switch to the use of alternative fuels for the total elimination of carbon emissions, and the railway transport can help because the railway pollutes 8 times less and emits 9 times less CO2 than the road transport, according to CER. For this reason, in Romania it is invested in electrification of the main railway lines, modernization and efficiency of electric locomotives, the purchase of trains with alternative fuels (hydrogen trains), the modernization of all coaches with…

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The railway connection of the Capital with the East and the West, in the beginning

Postat 17-06-2021 in Events

In 1869, Romania became the third country in Eastern Europe, after Russia and the Ottoman Empire (in Dobrogea) which had a railway line. The first cities interconnected by a railway were Bucharest and Giurgiu. In the summer of 1869, the construction of the Bucharest – Filaret – Giurgiu line was completed and on August 26, King Carol I left by train for Giurgiu, from where he then traveled on the Danube to Germany. This was an isolated line with a length of 67 km, which connected the capital with the Danube and a direct connection with the East and the West. It is the tenth railway line built on the territory of today’s Romania and the first in the Old Kingdom. It was opened to…

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140 years from the first railway built entirely by Romanian engineers

Postat 08-06-2021 in Events

The Buzău – Mărășești railway route, opened in 1881, is the first railway built by a railway unit of the Romanian state. The construction was a real success, which started the construction of railways in Romania, without foreign concessionaires. Inaugurated on October the 18th, 1881, the construction of the Buzău – Mărășești railway line – “the first rail line that directly connects Moldova with Muntenia” (The Time newspaper from 1881), meant a complete success of the Romanian railway technique. The route was well chosen, with many alignments (the longest was 18 km), required the construction of eight wooden bridges, and the costs were much lower than in any other country in Europe. The motor rolling stock came from the rolling stock of the Russian railway…

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Intelligent transport

Postat 27-05-2021 in Events

Climate change and pandemic challenges require new approaches to limit the effects on the environment and climate, but also to revive the economic growth. Both goals can be met by the rail transport. We all became aware in the last year that mobility is important to go to work, to school, to travel on vacation, to reunite with family and friends etc. Therefore, increasing the mobility of people and goods exchange is a viable opportunity to boost the economy, education and to facilitate the connection between people, communities, families, regions of the country and Europe. Ensuring rail mobility provides alternatives to current and future difficulties, and to limit CO2 emissions, train journey must become a commonplace because it is the greenest means of transport. You…

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Transportul inteligent

Postat 25-05-2021 in Events

Schimbările climatice și provocările în contextul pandemic necesită noi abordări pentru a limita efectele asupra mediului și asupra climei, dar și de a revitaliza creșterea economică. Prin transportul feroviar pot fi îndeplinite ambele deziderate. Cu toții am devenit conștienți în ultimul an că mobilitatea este importantă pentru a merge la muncă, la școală, a călători în vacanțe, a ne reîntâlni cu familia și prietenii etc. De aceea creșterea mobilităţii persoanelor şi a schimburilor de marfuri reprezintă o şansă viabilă pentru stimularea economiei, a educației și de a înlesni conexiunea între oameni, comunități, familii, regiunile țării și cu Europa. Asigurarea mobilității pe calea ferată oferă alternative în faţa dificultăţilor actuale și viitoare, iar pentru a limita emisiile de CO2, călătoria cu trenul trebuie să devină un…

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Rail transport connects Europe

Postat 18-05-2021 in Events

The railway offers Europe a truly connected future. Cooperation between railway companies already leads to a uniform network in which key areas align their programming processes, overcome language barriers, simplify the rules and technical requirements of the European Union for trains to run across borders. In this way a new infrastructure capacity is created, in particular for the connection of industrial parks to the main freight network, as well as the completion of the European network linking capitals and big cities. Such rail connections between countries contributes to the creation of a European identity and to the shaping of common values. At the local level the railways provide transport and mobility services, offering passengers more options. The Connecting Europe Express train is a unique project…

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