
Steam locomotives museum in Dej

Postat 06-05-2021 in Events

Steam locomotives in Dej was founded at the initiative of some passionate railway workers in 1992. It is the only museum of its kind in Transilvania. You can admire over 20 steam and electric locomotives, but also railway coaches that made history in Romania. The oldest exhibits, a steam locomotive and an electric locomotive, dating from 1908. The steam locomotive 40.007 was manufactured by Wiener Lokomotivfabriks AG, Floridsdorf (Austria) and ran on the route Subcetate – Haţeg – Bouţari – Caransebeş, during 1908 – 1978. In the museum you can also see the most powerful steam locomotive manufactured in Romania (151 002), the steam locomotive number 1000 manufactured in Reșița and many others. In the museum there is a museum coach with objects specific to…

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The “Ceferiada” Event

Postat 22-04-2021 in Events

82 years ago, the Romanian Railways (CFR) organized a great event in order to celebrate 70 years from the inauguration of the first state-built railway line, namely the Bucharest – Giurgiu line. This event was called “Ceferiada” and was intended to last for 3 days but, due to public demand, it actually lasted for two weeks. “Ceferiada” began on the 10th of June 1939, in the presence of King Carol II, Voivode Michael and Pince Paul of Greece. The event took place on the CFR stadium in the Giuleşti district and was attended by over 25,000 spectators. The railways were defined as the economic engine in the first part of Romania’s modernization, the „Ceferiada” highlighting the railmen’s constribution to raising the sentiment of national pride….

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Trenuri IR transformate în Regio-Expres

Postat 20-04-2021 in News

Regio-Expres – noul tip de tren intrat în oferta CFR Călători – a fost gândit să rezolve nevoile specifice de transport ale unei categorii largi de călători. Regio-Expres are un tarif scăzut, la nivelul trenurilor Regio, însă beneficiază de viteza și confortul trenurilor InterRegio, precum și de rezervare pentru loc. Nr crt Număr InterRegio Număr Regio Expres Staţie plecare Ora Plecare Staţie sosire Ora Sosire 1 1528* 2100 Sibiu 03:50 Braşov 07:18 2 1529* 2105 Braşov 19:33 Sibiu 22:35 3 1535 3079 Cluj Napoca 13:31 Oradea 16:25 4 1534 3070 Oradea 17:15 Cluj Napoca 19:57 5 1543 din 01.08.2021 nu circulă în zilele de duminică 4003 Baia Mare 17:10 Cluj Napoca 21:00 6 1544 4004 Cluj Napoca 18:30 Baia Mare 22:14 7 1545 4001 Baia…

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Steam locomotives museum in Reșița

Postat 15-04-2021 in Events

Steam locomotives museum in Reșița provides us a true history lesson. 16 steam locomotives are exibited outdoor, of which 14 were produced in Reșița. One of the most important exhibits is RESICZ locomotive, which was built in limited number (3 units) and you can admire it right at the entrance to the museum. The museum was founded in 1972 by the Engineer Mircea Popa, at that time the Director of Machine Building Plant in Reşiţa (UCMR). The inauguration of the museum marked the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the production of locomotives in Reșița. In the tourist attraction you can see a variety of exhibits with different characteristics and sizes, from locomotives used on forest railways to locomotives used on industrial railways. „Resicza” No….

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Railway transport – the Most Ecologic Type of Passenger Transport in Europe

Postat 09-04-2021 in Events

Travelling by train remains the most ecologic means of passenger transport in Europe. The evaluation is based on researching different transport types in support of the efforts for implementing the European Union’s Green Deal. The annual transport and environmental report published by the European Environment Agency ecnourages people to choose the railway transport due to its low level of greenhouse gas emissions it generates. The European Green Deal aims for Europe to become the first climate-neutral continent. It includes, among others, the objective of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from transport by 90% until 2050, as compared to 1990. Shifting passenger transport from air travel to railways may play a key role in reaching this objective, because shifting to a sustainable transport may have an important…

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CFR Călători, partner of Connecting Europe Express!

Postat 01-04-2021 in Events

Connecting Europe Express is an express train which shall travel across Europe starting in Spetember. The train shall stop in several European capitals, in order to promote the numerous benefits of railways, one of the 5 major stops being in Bucharest. We are proud to be part of this project. CFR Călători shall operate the train on Romanian territory. It shall depart from Lisbon, shall pass through 35 European cities and shall have Ljubljana as a final destination, thus suggesting the Presidency transfer from Portugal to Slovenia, which shall occur this year. The project was announced in the framework of the European Year of Rail by the European Commissioner for Transport Adina Vălean, which stated that the Connecting Europe Express train shall represent a real…

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