To get information about train traffic on the current day, visit one of the links:
My train – you get information about trains in circulation. Write the train number in the field provided and press the button ” train information “.
Webcams – you can see images of the timetables for arrivals / departures in some railway stations (example: Bucureşti Nord, Braşov, Craiova, Timişoara Nord, Iaşi).
Attention, Some hours are estimated! Make sure that you get on-time at the railway station.
These information are managed and provided by the railway infrastructure manager CNCF „CFR” SA.
Tickets purchased from CFR stations and travel agencies
Issuing invoices for purchased tickets is done only at the request of customers. As a rule, the invoice is issued when buying tickets by the ticket office where the ticket was bought. The request may also be made later, but not later than the 15th of the following month that in which the purchase of the tickets in question was made.
If the request is made at a unit other than the one issuing the tickets or if for various reasons the invoice cannot be issued to the issuing entity, it is necessary to submit a written request stating:
- identification data of purchased ticket,
- billing data as well
- the way in which the invoice submission is requested (pick-up from the unit where the application was submitted or scanned transmission in pdf format to an email address).
The applications will be solved centrally through the territorial structures of CFR Călători, within maximum 30 days.
The tickets issued at ticket vending machines belonging to CFR Calatori in a particular station are subject to the same regime as any ticket issued by the respective unit. Tickets are deemed to be issued by this unit.
Tickets bought on train
For the tickets issued on train, the invoice can be issued only on the basis of a written request, which can be submitted to any CFR Călători staff within their work program. The application will be centralized through the territorial structures of CFR Călători, within a maximum of 30 days (depending on the program of stations).
Tickets purchased from other units
For tickets issued by other companies (travel agencies, etc.) or ticket vending machines belonging to other companies (ZebraPay, etc.) who sell for and on behalf of CFR Călători as “authorized distributors” the application for invoice issuance must be addressed to these companies.
For online CFR tickets purchased through the Internet, invoices are issued in accordance with the provisions of point 24 of ‘Terms and using conditions’ of the service.
CFR Călători does not issue a fiscal receipt for the train ticket, the fiscal items required by law being mentioned on the ticket”.
According to art.2 par.(e), with subsequent amendments in 2011, par.(ș) for the application of the GEO no. 28/1999 on the obligation of economic agents to use fiscal electronic cash registers, the provisions of art. 1, par. (1) shall not apply to:
e) public passenger transport based on tickets or season-tickets printed according to the law, as well as by subway;
ș) public passenger rail transport services in domestic and international traffic, provided by Romanian legal entities.
FISCAL CODE extract – ART. 319 Invoicing, provides:
– par. (10) letter b) “for the transport of persons on the basis of travel tickets or subscriptions”, the taxable person (egg. SNTFC “CFR Călători”) is exempt from the issuance of the invoice, unless the beneficiary requests an invoice.
– par. 16, the taxable person is required to issue an invoice “no later than the 15th day of the month following that in which the chargeable event arises”.
– par. (26) “Signing and stamping invoices shall not constitute mandatory elements which the invoice must contain.”
Animalele, pãsãrile, reptilele, pestii si insectele vii nu pot fi transportate, de regulã, în vagoanele de cãlãtori.
The transport of accompanied dogs is allowed only for those fitted with muzzles, kept on a leash at the wagon floor, in compartments, at the 2nd class coaches,if any of travelers does not protest.
In case of objections raised by passengers, the agent of the public passenger rail operator or the supervisory body, where justified, prohibit journey with these animals.
The passenger, owner of the dog, is obliged to maintain cleanliness throughout the journey, having with him cleaning materials, otherwise will be treated in accordance with applicable legislation.
Dogs, cats and other small animals, carried/kept on the arms as well as small birds carried in an enclosed cage can be transported free of charge, if any of travelers does not protest.
In case of objections raised by passengers, the agent of the public passenger rail operator or the supervisory body, where justified, prohibit journey with these animals.
Cãlãtorul, proprietar al câinelui, este obligat sã mentinã curãtenia pe toatã durata cãlãtoriei, având asupra sa materiale de igienizare, în caz contrar va fi tratat conform reglementãrilor legale în vigoare.
Câinii, pisicile si animalele mici, purtate pe brate, precum si pãsãrile mici în colivii se pot transporta fãrã platã, dacã nici un cãlãtor nu protesteazã.
În caz de obiectii ridicate de cãlãtori, agentul operatorului de transport feroviar public de cãlãtori sau organul de control, în cazuri bine justificate, poate interzice cãlãtoria cu aceste animale.
- Dangerous dogs are prohibited in passenger trains – fighting and attack dogs, assimilated by morphological character with dogs of Pit Bull, Boerbull, Bandog types and şi their mestizos.
- The access of dogs to passenger trains of the breeds: American Staffordshire Terrier, Tosa, Rottweiller, Dog Argentinian, Mastino Napolitano, Fila Brazileiro, Mastiff, Caucasian Shepherd,, Cane Corso and their mestizos is allowed only if they wear a muzzle, have a health card and they are kept on a leash by a person who fulfills the following conditions:
- to be aged over 18;
- to have full legal capacity;
- to not have been convicted of an offense against the person.
In case of objections from the other passengers, the train staff will guide the passenger, owner of the dog, with the dog, in other compartments or down the hall.
The transportation tariff of a dog is collected with a bianco ticket worth 50% from Regio train, 2nd class, for one adult on the same route.
For a dog that is transported in passengers coaches without presence of the travel card shall be release travel ticket issued in trains at a full charging tariff in train, corresponding of the ranking train and the kilometer distance on which the passenger is traveling, the owner of the dog.
1. Un-demountable bicycles are admitted to be transported ONLY at the trains having in composition types of coaches with a specially dedicated spaces (in terms of construction) for the transport of bicycles. A single bicycle per person is allowed.
2. CFR Calatori trains providing the passenger`s transport service accompanied by a bicycle could be found at CFR Călători’s ticket offices or consulting the Timetable on our website (trains with coaches in which can be transported also the bicycles or at the icon “Services” for bicycles).
3. For travelers who are accompanied by bicycles, at the trains with reservation regime, shall be allocated seats in compartments/ areas next to the space for storage thereof.
4. At trains where a bicycle transport service is offered (where there is the appropriate icon in the Timetable from the website, a passenger can take an un-demountable bicycles, for which it will pay, depending by travelled distance thus:
Un-demountable bicycle transport*)
Km RON / bicycle
1—60 7,50
61—120 10,50
121—250 15,50
251—500 21,00
> 500 km 26,00
5. Folding / demountable bikes can be transported for FREE OF CHARGE ON ALL TRAINS, to the 1st and 2nd class coaches or skis to the 2nd class coaches, as hand luggage, in the limit of the available space, provided they do not inconvenience the other travelers (a folding bicycle or a pair of skis per person)
6. If the train crew, when checking the legality of the journey, finds passengers who are accompanied by a bicycle and does not present the bicycle ticket, the bulk luggage charge applies for the kilometer area corresponding to the passenger’s travel ticket (a bicycle is considered 15 kg).
7. In duly justified cases, where the rate occupancy of the train in question is close to 100% or higher, the train staff may prohibit the boarding of passengers with bicycles, if they DON NOT hold bicycle tickets for that train.
The passenger may take with him in the passenger coaches, free of charge, hand luggages. The hand luggages must be easily handled and tightly packed, in such a way that may not be possible leaking of the content, damage or soiling wagons or inconvenience other passengers.
Each traveler has, for his hand luggage, the space just above the seat it occupies or an equivalent space placed in the luggage box of the wagons. The total weight of hand luggage is allowed for each seat occupied is 30 kg.
If it exceeds 30 kg / occupied seat shall apply the following rates:
Km. |
Lei/kg (tarifele includ TVA)
1 – 100 | 4,00 |
101 – 200 | 5,00 |
201 – 300 | 6,00 |
301 – 400 | 7,00 |
>400 | 8,00 |
The surveillance of the objects that the passenger takes with him in wagon incumbent upon it. The passenger is liable for any damage caused by objects and creatures that he takes with him in the wagon.
These provisions shall not affect liability which may have the railway transport operator, according to Art. 22.
Hand luggage exceeding the conditions imposed by paragraph. (2) is treated according to its own regulations of railway transport operators.
Regulations regarding forgotten luggage on the train will be contained in the Uniform rules as well as in the internal regulations of the railway undertaking, which will be made known to passengers, with the legal provisions in force. (Uniform Rules of travelers 38)”.
At the 2nd class coaches, the traveler can take, in addition, a pair of skis, if not inconvenience other passengers. Forgotten luggage on the train, which are found by the public passenger rail transport operators, will be submitted to the home station, respectively the final railway station, subject to regulations on storage and recovery mode which are set out in its own regulations of the public passenger rail transport operators.
Hand luggages shall be packed in such a way that does not harm passengers or not damage the coach inventory or other luggage.
e) Public passenger transport based on tickets or passes printed according to the law, as well as by subway;
ş) Domestic and international public railway passenger transport services, performed by trading companies registered as Romanian legal entities;
Therefore, CFR Călători does not issue a fiscal receipt for the train ticket, the fiscal elements required by law being outlined on the travel document.
CFR Călători issues a fiscal invoice for the purchased tickets at the request of its customers.
International tickets may be purchased online or from the ticket offices which sell international tickets.
CFR Călători stations and travel agencies selling international train tickets | Download |
In case of loss /theft/damage of a card support, it shall be replaced with another card (with another ID), with the payment of the sales tariff of this type of support. When replacing the Transport card support , all the digital passes which are still valid at that time shall be automatically transferred on the new card.
Planning journeys in the domestic and international traffic may be easily achieved by accessing website.
Plan/Buy ONLINE tickets in domestic traffic | Plan / Buy |
Plan/Buy ONLINE tickets in international traffic | Plan / buy |
You can only buy the Interrail pass offer from CFR Călători (which is also valid in the UK), namely the One Country or Global versions.
Interrail Pass can be bought from the ticket desks in the CFR Călători stations and travel agencies which sell international tickets.
About Interrail Pass | Read |
CFR Călători stations and travel agencies selling international train tickets | Download |
Therefore, an official document may be obtained for a tariff, by paying the tariff for this service included in the Auxilary Tariffs of the public railway passenger transport, in the amount of 51 lei/document (VAT included).
The tariff may be paid at any ticket desk from the CFR Călători stations or travel agencies.
After paying the respectiv tariff, based on the receipt confirming the payment, we shall issue the document containing the value of transport tariff valid for the requested type of travel document.
On board trains, you can buy tickets which can be paid by bank card, except for the situations when, due to technical reason, the banking transaction cannot be made. In this case, payment for the trip can be made in cash.
Tickets issued on the train are released at the ticket office’s price only for passengers boarding from railway stations / stops / stopping points with low traffic, which do not own a ticket office or ATM.
Attention! Issuing tickets on the train it’s a fortuitous case, usually caused by non-compliance with the legal regulations of the Romanian Railway Transport Regulations, regarding the presentation of a valid ticket on the train. This leads to the payment of a toll fare on the train that is higher than that at the ticket office and to which NO discounts can be applied based on the offers or facilities granted based on the normative acts.
According to the provisions of Law no. 349/2002 regarding the prevention and fighting the effects of tobacco products consumption, with subsequent amendments and completions, we mention that:
- Smoking is prohibited in all enclosed public spaces, including on board means of public transport (Art 3, paragraph (1));
- “Means of public transport” refers to any vehicle used for chargeable transport of persons (Art.2. letter n^1),
- Inside the spaces provided at Art. 2 letter n^1), the use of the electronic cigarette is also prohibited (Art. 3 paragraph (1^2)).
SNTFC “CFR Călători” S.A., as the main provider of railway passenger transport services in Romania, complies with the provisions of the Regulation on Railway Transport in Romania, approved through the Government Ordinance no. 7/2005, with the subsequent amendments and completions, and of the Uniform Norms Regarding Transport on the Romanian Railways, approved by the Order of the Minister of Transport no. 655/2007, as amended and supplemented:
Under the Romanian Railway Transport Regulation approved by the Government Ordinance no. 7/2005, as amended and supplemented:
“Art. 9 Admission to transport. Persons excluded from transport. Admission is conditional
(3) The following persons are not allowed to board the train or can be evacuated from the station:
a) persons who, through their behaviour, disturb the public order, contrary to the norms of public conduct and good morals, or which cause damage to rolling stock belonging to the railway carrier, or who do not comply with the provisions of this Regulation. These persons are also not entitled to be refunded the value of the trip;
Also, on duty railway staff who find passengers whose behaviour causes quarrel in trains or inside the railway units, will write a contravention report and exclude them from transport.
Writing the contravention report is done in compliance with the provisions of the Government Decision no. 203/1994.
According to the provisions of Government Decision no. 203/1994, with subsequent amendments and completions,
“Art. 2. – the following facts are contraventions to the norms regarding the Romanian railway transports, given that they have not been committed in such conditions that, according to the criminal law, they are considered offenses:
19. Disturbing without having the right to do so, the peace of the travellers by making noises with any device or object or by shouts, or other forms of noises;
20. Improper behaviour and inadequate clothes in regard to the other passengers and to the railway staff performing their duties or obstructing them in performing their duties;
21. Causing scandal on board means of transport or inside the railway facilities;
22. Refusal of the passengers – consumers to leave the restaurant – coach or the bistro – coach after the closing hour or at the justified request of an employee serving the respective coach;
In such cases, in order to enforce the law, intervention shall be made with the support of the Transport Police.The regulation regarding the transport on the Romanian railways states that “Passengers who own valid tickets for the train, route and the class chosen for the journey are admitted for transport”.
When traveling by train with a reservation regime, the sale of the tickets with seat reservation is made within the limit of available seats on the train. Issuing the tickets “without a reserved seat” is done only for the 2nd class, after selling all the seats from the 2nd class and only on the day of the train’s departure. The maximum number of tickets “without a reserved seat” allowed per train is set on a case by case basis (type of train, coach, etc.).
Usually, tickets without a seat are not issued for the 1st class.
According to the provisions of OMTI 1039/2024, for journeys over distances of up to 40 km, in class 1 and class 2 car (seat on the chair) seat reservation is optional/facultative, regardless of the train rank (including trains with reservation required)
We recommend purchasing tickets in advance.
- The railway transport operators may grant facilities or tariff reductions based on the provisions of some normative acts/legislation, only if the authority, the agent, namely the legal person that requested the facility or the reduction ensures the necessary compensations”- provision of Art. 4 paragraph (6) of the Government Ordinance no. 7/2005 for the approval of the regulation regarding the transports on the Romanian railways, republished.
- SNTFC „CFR Calatori” S.A. cannot make sponsorships/reductions because they benefit from budgetary compensations, so they cannot grant discounted or free of charge tickets for other categories of persons than those who legally benefit from them – according to the normative acts in force – provision of Art. 3 of the Sponsorship Law no. 32/1994 with subsequent amendments and completions.
- the TrenPlus card, which offers a 25 % discount on any trip for one year, card price = 160 lei;
- ticket bought in advance, with discounts ranging between 5-10%
- round trip ticket, with a 10% discount
- transport is FREE for children up to 5 years old, provided no separate seat is required,;
a 50% discount is granted for children up to 5 years old for whom a separate seat is required and for those between 5 and 10 years old,.Information about these offers is posted on the company’s website at
The offers can be purchased from the ticket offices in the stations and CFR agencies, but also online at the web address.
1. If the train for which the passenger has purchased a ticket, has a delay of 60 minutes or more (estimated in the initial boarding station), the passenger has the right to choose one of the following options:
a) to give up the journey and request the full refund of the purchased ticket, through a written request that must be registered within the established deadlines, depending on the ticket purchasing method (from ticket vending machines/ ticket counters of CFR stations or travel agencies, or online, or from other economic agents authorized to sell for and on behalf of CFR Călători)
b) to request the validation or replacement, as the case may be, of the already purchased ticket, for another train of the same or lower rank, departing on the same day.
c) if the timeframe of the following train of the same rank, running on the route for which a ticket is purchased, is more than 2 hours, the passenger is entitled to request the trip by a higher rank train, without paying the tariff differences, except for IC trains by which the trip is approved only in very exceptional cases.
2. In order to solve the requests mentioned at paragraph 1, passengers must usually contact the ticket counter staff in that station, or if passengers board a train from a station that does not have ticket counters or outsde the approved working hours, they can contact the train staff of the first train running on the route for which they have a ticket.
1. If the passenger does not catch the connecting train because of the delay of the train by which he/she travelled previously, he/she can choose one of the following options:
a) To request the validation or replacement, as the case may be, of the already purchased ticket (related to the connecting train), for the first train running on the same route or on another one, without paying any possible tariff differences, so that it reaches the destination with the minimum delay.
b) To give up the onward journey and to request the refund of the already purchased ticket price from the connecting train, a request that must be registered within one hour from the arrival of the train by which the passenger travelled, at the station where the event occured.
c) To request to return to the original boarding station (the journey becoming useless for the passenger because of the loss of connenction) by the following train of the same rank, or with the passenger’s consent to travel by a lower rank train running to the initial boarding station, without any payment (including possible tariff differences and/or seat reservation tariff). In this case, the passenger is entitled to a full refund of the ticket price paid for the original ticket.
2. „Connecting train” means the train by which the passenger continues the journey and for which a ticket is already purchased (as an additional ticket, as part of a ticket issued for several successive trains) or separate tickets provided that they have the same connecting railway station (the arrival railway station of the train mentioned on the first ticket must be identical to the departure station of the next train) and the time between the two trains must be at least 15 minutes.
3. In order to solve the requests mentioned at paragraph 1, passengers must usually contact the ticket counter staff in that station, or if passengers board a train from a station that does not have ticket counters or outsde the approved working hours, they can contact the train staff of the first train running on the route for which they have a connecting ticket.