1. During the train travel, the passengers are required to keep a valid travelling ticket. Passengers without a valid ticket will be subject to the provisions of the law.
  2. Smoking is strictly prohibited onboard trains according to Law. 349/2002 and is subject to fine.
  3. In order to avoid accidents, attention is recommended when boarding the trains and crossing the spaces between coaches.
  4. Boarding the train after its departure is strictly prohibited. SNTFC ”CFR Călători“ S.A. shall not be liable for any accidents resulting from an attempt to block the doors or board the train after its departure.
  5. During the train travel it is forbidden to block and open the access doors in order to board the train.
  6. When the train stops in stations, the passengers getting off the train have priority over those getting in. In order to avoid accidents attention is recommended when boarding the train.
  7. For the trains which are equipped with automatic door systems, both those in between coaches and access doors to board the train, press the command button. There is a timing period during which no command should be made.
  8. During the train travel it is forbidden to lean against the access doors.
  9. It is forbidden to stand in the gangways area which links the coaches.
  10. During the travel, the passengers are asked to attend to their luggage and children. SNTFC ”CFR Călători“ S.A. shall not be liable for any thefts or losses.
  11. While waiting the train, in order to avoid accidents, the passengers are asked to keep a safe distance.
  12. In order to not interfere with the comfort conditions, the passengers are asked to store their luggage in the specially designated spaces. Each passenger has, for his hand luggage, the space situated above the occupied seat or an equivalent space in the storage box of the coaches. The total mass of the luggage allowed per occupied seat is of 30 kg. Luggage storage on the aisle is prohibited.
  13. During the travel the household garbage or any waste shall be stored in the specially designated boxes.
  14. During the travel, the passengers are asked not to force the opening and unlocking of the windows, not to use the switchboards or hand brakes.
  15. It is forbidden to throw objects of any kind out the window or coach`s door this being a contravention (Government Decision no. 203/1994 as amended and supplemented).
  16. We recommend that the toilets are used in accordance with a rule of conduct: „leave the cabin after use as you want to find it!”
  17. The toilets from the trains do not have drinking water.
  18. It is prohibited to throw scraps, packaging, or any objects in the toilet bowl of the ecological toilets (since there is a risk of blocking the drainage system). Press the flushing button only after closing the WC cover.
  19. It is prohibited to bring any dangerous object in railway stations or on board the trains. If a suspicious or abandoned object is found, the passengers are asked to urgently notify the CFR Călători staff, to move away from it and not to touch it.
  20. Specific assistance services are provided free of charge for the transport of persons with reduced mobility, both to get in / get off the train, on board the passenger train, at the railway stations and for the trains intended to this type of traffic. Asking for these services must be made with at least 48 hours prior to travelling by filling the standard printed form available both at all railway stations and at railway travel agencies, and in digital format here .
  21. The passengers’ access on train with animals and birds is made in accordance with transport regulations. For further information click here.
  22. Access into the train with folding bicycles is allowed only in specially designed space for luggage situated above the seat or on the corridor, provided that they do not disturb other passengers, and with unfolding bicycles only in coaches with specially designated spaces. For further information click here.
  23. If a release of smoke is noticed, the train staff presence will be required and their instructions shall be followed.
  24. Evacuation shall be done with care from the coach affected by fire to the other coaches or outside the train. The areas outside the coach on fire could be very dangerous. If the train is stopped between stations, please make sure when getting off the train that you are not in danger of being hit by other trains running on the tracks.
  25. In case any issues are encountered during the travel by train, including those related to reserved seats, passengers are asked to contact the commercial staff identified by specific uniform and badge.
  26. Activating the train alarm signal without reason is prohibited and is an offense; any abuse will be prosecuted.
  27. Destroying or damaging the equipment of coaches is considered an offence and shall be prosecuted according to the law (Government Decision no. 203/1994 as amended and supplemented).
  28. Begging the passengers or gambling is considered an offence and shall be prosecuted according to the law (Government Decision no. 203/1994 as amended and supplemented). The passengers are asked not to encourage this behaviour.
  29. Photographing and filming the train or on board the train, for commercial purposes, are not permitted without the CFR Calatori administration’s consent.

Right to complaint, information:

For information or complaints please see the contact page of the website. In accordance with the in force legal provisions regarding the procedure of solving complaints and free access to public information (Law no. 233/2002 and Law no. 544/2001 as amended and supplemented), the message shall have a decent content and contain the identification data of the petitioner (at least the name, surname and residence address).

The applicants who have comments or complaints regarding the service provided by SNTFC „CFR Călători” S.A. shall accompany their messages with a copy of the travel tickets.

According to the already mentioned legal provisions, the complaints must be formulated in one’s name; the right of complaint of legally constituted organizations is also recognized.

According to the in force legislation, the complaints that do not comply with the legal provisions shall be filed.

The notices can also be addressed at: ASFR, Calea Griviţei no. 393, District 1, Bucharest, email passengersrights@asfr.ro.

Passenger’s phone:

Information may be requested at the telephone number 0800 88 44 44, on any special issues occurred to passengers.

For claims, please use the writing. To this end, you can contact the public relations offices or use the forms or addresses from the contact page of our website.

Information regarding timetables or prices shall not be transmitted via email and can be obtained both online at www.cfrcalatori.ro, as well as from the information offices at the railway stations or from the travel agencies.